Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Democrats Attack Second Amendment: "They Have Lost Their Minds!"

The Looney Left Report

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. - Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights.

The Democrat Party is trying to infringe on gun owners's right to keep and bear arms through the back door, side door, the roof, back window, side window and underground in a flurry of legislation that prompted Michael Reagan to say, "They have lost their minds!"

Once such piece of legislation is requiring gun owners to take out a liability insurance policy.  Failure to do so would sock gun owners with a $10,000 fine.

According to The Daily Caller:
A contingent of liberal Democrats in Congress is proposing a new federal gun control idea: mandatory liability insurance for gun owners. 
When New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney introduced the legislation last month with eight other Democrats, she boasted that it is “the first bill to require liability insurance of gun buyers nationwide.” 
Maloney’s “Firearm Risk Protection Act” requires gun buyers to have “a qualified liability insurance policy” before they are able to legally purchase a firearm.
Other liberal nuttiness can be found at these links:

Connecticut moves toward sweeping gun laws...
State to decide who can buy guns, ammunition...
More than 100 weapon types banned...
CA lawmakers consider regulating, taxing ammo...


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