Tuesday, April 9, 2013

EPA Releases Personal Information On Farmers and Ranchers To Environmental Extremist Groups

The Looney Left Report

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that is run by leftist Alinskyites, released personal data on thousands of farmers and ranchers to environmental extremist groups.

Fox reported:

The Environmental Protection Agency acknowledged Tuesday that it released personal information on potentially thousands of farmers and ranchers to environmental groups, following concerns from congressional Republicans and agriculture groups that the release could endanger their safety. 
 According to a document obtained by, the EPA said “some of the personal information that could have been protected … was released." Though the EPA has already sent out the documents, the agency now says it has since redacted sensitive details and asked the environmental groups to “return the information.”
But Sen. John Thune, who originally complained about the release, slammed the EPA for trying to retroactively recover the sensitive data.

The information on livestock and produce farmers was sought through a Freedom of Information Act request by the groups Earth Justice, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Pew Charitable Trust. The groups, which have not commented on whether they plan to return the documents, were originally given information on roughly 80,000 farmers and ranchers. 
The agency acknowledged the information included individual names, email addresses, phone numbers and personal addresses.

The EPA said the data was related to farms in 29 states with “concentrated animal feeding operations” and that the released information was part of the agency’s commitment to “ensure clean water and public-health protection.” 
The groups wanted the information, they say, because such large-scale operations are a major source of water pollution and they want to hold the EPA accountable for enforcing the Clean Water Act.
It looks like our government is now the enemy to those who produce our food.  How would you like it if the government released your personal information to some wacko group?  As an owner of farm property, no environmentalist wacko had better not show up at my door.

Read more:


  1. Very nice. I am going to steal this for my Federalist Blog with a link to you.

  2. Permission granted! Knock yourself out!
