Saturday, April 20, 2013

Huff Post: "9 Rules Westerners Should Remember When Visiting Japan"

Above, a Shibuya street. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Huffington Post's Travel page has an article on "9 Rules Westerners Should Remember When Visiting Japan."

I looked them over and I found that I haven't "violated" any of them.

As an example, here's number five on the list:
5. There aren't any trash cans around, so if you generate much in the way of rubbish over the course of wandering then be prepared to lug it around. Despite this, the city sidewalks are relatively spotless. Never did figure that one out.
During my first trip to Japan in 2001, I noticed that there weren't any handy trash cans around (I found this to be less so during subsequent trips.  Either that, or I just learned to know where to find them), yet the streets and sidewalks were very clean.

To see the other nine rules, go here.

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