Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Internet Sales Tax Making Its Way Though U.S. Senate

The ever money-hungry and money-grubbing Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate is trying to impose a sales tax on Internet purchases.

According to Yahoo! News:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Tax-free shopping on the Internet could be in jeopardy under a bill making its way through the Senate. 
The bill would empower states to require online retailers to collect state and local sales taxes for purchases made over the Internet. The sales taxes would be sent to the states where a shopper lives. 
Under current law, states can only require stores to collect sales taxes if the store has a physical presence in the state. As a result, many online sales are essentially tax-free, giving Internet retailers a big advantage over brick-and-mortar stores. 
The Senate voted 74 to 20 Monday to take up the bill. 
Supporters say the bill is about fairness for businesses and lost revenue for states. Opponents say it would impose complicated regulations on retailers and doesn't have enough protections for small businesses.
Under this bill, you will have to pay taxes on purchases made at or eBay, just to name a couple.  Contact your senator or congress member to tell them you oppose any new taxes.

To read the full story, go here.

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