Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monster Island Relaunched

Ken Hulsey, the head honcho of Monster Island News, has relaunched

"But there's already a Monster Island News blog," you might say.  Well, I'll let Ken explain it:

Way back in 1999 I started a little website called In it's early days the site featured everything from Godzilla movies to football. Generally everything that suited my fancy. In 2003 the name was changed to Monster Island News to help draw more fan attention to the page. Over the next decade the website mutated into a database for movies, television and B movie news. The site gathered many fans and inspired a new generation of webmasters to develop their own sites, blogs and message boards. Sadly in 2007 the site closed and moved to the blog format you are reading now. 
I am happy to report that about a month ago I relaunched the Monster Island News website and began building more movie profiles much like the original pages from the original site.

Check out the new Monster Island News home page at

I am currently a contributor to Monster Island News.

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