Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Superman Plaque Project: Laying The Groundwork

Now that the Mad Monster Party is over, I can now direct my attention in laying the groundwork (literally) for the Superman Plaque Project commemorating the 1953 location filming of "The Man Who Could Read Minds" episode of the Adventures of Superman.  (For details on the location, go here.)

It was at this location that Inspector Henderson (Bob Shayne) set up a stakeout to capture "the phantom burglar."  Along with Shayne, all the principal actors were in the stakeout scene: George Reeves (Clark Kent), Noel Neill (Lois Lane), Jack Larson (Jimmy Olsen) and John Hamilton (Perry White).  As it turns out, the location at the corner of Wilbur Ave. and Linnet Street in Tarzana, California is about a mile from my home.

The plaque will be placed and dedicated in a ceremony in 2014.

I contacted the City of Los Angeles Engineering Department and DigAlert to determine whether or not there's any underground utilities at the spot where the plaque would be placed.  Even though we shouldn't be digging any more than six inches, it is best to not hit any shallow utility lines that may be there.  An inspection is necessary.  Thankfully, there is a free service that will check and advise on any underground utilities at the location.

I went out to mark the location so that the inspector will know where to look.  Per DigAlert, I had to mark the location with something white.  As it is in a grassy area, they suggested using baking soda to mark the spot, which I did (photo below).  While there, I met with the property owner, Jenna, and told her about the inspection.

Once we get word that there's no underground utilities at the spot, we can then select and price the monument and begin raising funds for its construction.

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