Thursday, April 18, 2013

Superman's 75th Anniversary

Above, Superman made his debut in Action Comics #1.

Superman's 75th Anniversary is being celebrated by fans worldwide.

In Superman's hometown of Cleveland, Ohio:

CLEVELAND, April 18 (UPI) -- Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson declared Thursday "Superman Day" in honor of the 75th anniversary of the character's debut in the first issue of "Action Comics." 
Jackson issued the proclamation Monday, with Laura Siegel Larson, daughter of Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel, on hand -- along with members of the Siegel and Shuster Society, based in Cleveland, to accept the proclamation, The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer reported Thursday. 
Superman was created in 1938 by then-teenagers and Cleveland residents Siegel and Joe Shuster. 
The city said a Superman flag would be flown Thursday and birthday cupcakes will be distributed near the Superman display at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport as part of the festivities.
Superman began in comic books, but has also been featured in radio programs, animated cartoons, books, movie serials, motion pictures and television shows.

My introduction to the character was through the Adventures of Superman television show starring George Reeves.

The oldest Superman comic book in my collection is an issue of Superman with cover date of October 1959, issue number 132 (pictured above).

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