Monday, April 1, 2013

The Daily Yomiuri Is Now The Japan News

The Yomiuri Shimbun's English edition, The Daily Yomiuri, is now The Japan News.

The changeover took place today.  According to their managing editor:

Today the English-language newspaper published by The Yomiuri Shimbun starts anew under the name of The Japan News
Amid Japan's declining international presence, the nation is facing a challenge over its ability to communicate information and knowledge about itself to the world. 
With the world's largest circulation, nearly 10 million daily, The Yomiuri Shimbun is Japan's most influential newspaper. We will be more active than before in conveying news and opinion pieces about Japan based on The Yomiuri Shimbun's nationwide news-gathering network in our pursuit of enhancing knowledge and understanding of Japan overseas. We consider this to be a social mission of The Japan News, the only English-language daily published by a national newspaper in Japan.
The Daily Yomiuri interviewed me while I was in Japan about The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan and the article appeared on December 24, 2010 (below).

To view The Japan News, go here.

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