Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Vanloads" of Illegal Aliens Getting Food Stamps

Judicial Watch posted an article on the massive food stamp fraud that is knowingly being encouraged by the benevolent federal government and covered up.

Illegal aliens are receiving food stamps by "the vanload."

The money being handed out are our tax dollars.  Barack Obama is currently promoting the program "like there's no tomorrow."

It starts with:

For decades the U.S. government has knowingly given illegal immigrants food stamps, according to a former certification case worker who denounced the costly practice back in the 1980s but was essentially ordered to keep a lid on it. 
The retired assistant case manager, Craig McNees, was in charge of vetting food-stamp applicants in north Florida and Indiana in the ’80s and says the program was infested with fraud and corruption that was perpetually ignored by management. “Illegals would come in by the vanload and we were told to give them their stuff,” McNees said. “Management knew very well they were illegal. It was so rampant that some employees would tell their illegal relatives to come get food stamps.”
To read the full article, go here (if you DARE).

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