Wednesday, April 3, 2013

White House Whining Again About Drudge

Above, this example shows that the Drudge Report has been good for me.

The White House is lamenting the influence that the Drudge Report is having on the news. Again.

According to the Washington Examiner:

During a Playbook Breakfast event with Politico’s Mike Allen, White House Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer lamented the effect of the Drudge Report on the news cycle.
“This is less true now than it was, but there is a pavlovian response from some media outlets,” Pfeiffer explained, noting that reporters often ask questions about a topic just because its on the Drudge Report. 
Pfeiffer added that when he is asked about something on the Drudge Report he usually ridicules the reporter asking the question until they sheepishly back down. 
Pfeiffer said that the Drudge effect can be damaging to the White House effort to communicate their message, even though he insisted he was “fairly ambivalent” to what Matt Drudge puts up on his site every day.

If the Obama Administration were interested in telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (and accuracy), they wouldn't have a care in the world about what the Drudge Report posts.  The Drudge Report is an aggregator of news that other outlets put out.  On occasion, Matt Drudge does write up news stories of his own.  The problem is, the White House wants to control what people see and wants to eliminate all opposition, which is typical of the left.  This has been true since Obama has been in politics.

They really shouldn't complain as a vast majority of the lamestream media act as lapdog mouthpieces for the administration.  The term, "state-controlled media" isn't too far off the mark.

Maybe they're just mad that the Drudge Report carries ads from Amazon'e Kindle Store for the ebook edition of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan on occasion.

To read more, go here.

1 comment:

  1. De egentlig ikke bør klage som et stort flertall av lamestream medielov som skjødehund munnstykker for administrasjonen. Begrepet "statskontrollerte media" er ikke så langt unna merket.

