Friday, May 31, 2013

California Marxist Democrats Want To Take Away Your Gun Rights

The Looney Left Report

The Marxists calling themselves Democrats in the California legislature are inches away from stealing your 2nd Amendment rights through the back door.

The Los Angeles Times reported:

Californians who want to buy ammunition would have to submit personal information and a $50 fee for a background check by the state, under a bill passed by the Senate. The state Department of Justice would determine whether buyers have a criminal record, severe mental illness or a restraining order that would disqualify them from owning guns. 
Ammo shops would check the name on buyers' driver's licenses against a state list of qualified purchasers.
The Senate also OK'd a bill that would outlaw the sale, purchase and manufacture in California of semiautomatic rifles that can accommodate detachable magazines. The measure, SB 374 by Steinberg, also would require those who own such weapons to register them with the state.

This is an infringement of our second amendment rights.  It will make buying ammunition more difficult for law-abiding citizens.  It is totally unnecessary, the background check done when a person buys a gun in California should be sufficient as they are already in the data base

And, this means I'll have to register my little ol' Ruger 10/22 rifle?  F*ck Steinberg!

This is just another step towards the confiscation of your guns if the Marxist Democrats decide the time is ripe.

To read more, go here.

Also, the Looneys are after the Boy Scouts!  Go here.

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