Sunday, May 12, 2013 Website Undergoing "Maintenance"

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan."  Photo by Armand Vaquer. has been undergoing website "maintenance" during the past several days.  Outside of a few things (such as creator accounts, etc.), links to comics and magazines, including The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan, aren't working.

Hopefully, they will have the website up and running at "full power" this coming week.  I will keep checking and will report when everything is back up.

Meantime, the 20% pre-vacation season sale for the travel guide is still on (through June 8), so anyone wanting a copy can still get it through me.

Or, if you prefer to get the Amazon Kindle ebook edition, the website for that is still running fine.

UPDATE (5/14/13):  ComiXpress's website is still down for maintenance:

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