Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Japan Inviting "Tourism Class Warfare" With Proposal?

Above, the wealthy would have more time to spend their money in Ginza, Tokyo
under a proposal by a Japanese government panel.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A Japanese government panel has been looking into ways to boost tourism.  The latest idea that has been hatched is to allow long says for wealthy foreign tourists.

According to Jiji Press:
A government panel discussing measures to boost tourism on Monday drew up an interim report proposing creating a new type of entry qualification that would allow wealthy foreigners to stay in Japan for several years.
Currently, Japan allows foreigners to stay in the country for long periods only for the purposes of study and business.  Otherwise, such as in the case of U.S. visitors, tourist visas are only 90-days long.

If enacted, this sounds to me like the beginnings of tourism class warfare and resentment.  Money talks, it seems. I know of a number of "non-rich" foreign tourists who find the 90-day tourist visa period a bit confining, although it has never been a problem for me personally. Is it really fair to allow more time for people with fatter wallets?

The panel will present its report to a ministerial forum in June.

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