Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Obama Proposes Hiking Air Travel Tax

President Ronald Reagan used to say this about Democrats, "They never met a tax they didn't like or try to hike."  Well, they're at it again.

According to the Los Angeles Times:
The cost of flying might be going up, but this time it's not the airlines raising prices.

The Obama administration has proposed raising the taxes on air travel by about $14 per flight, a move airlines strongly oppose.

Higher taxes are needed to help reduce the deficit, pay for improvements at the nation's airports and add thousands of new immigration and customs officers to reduce wait times to process foreign visitors, the administration says. 
Airlines say higher taxes will backfire and hurt the economy.
There hasn't been a tax hike or a new tax imposed with the purpose of reducing the deficit.  They've all been imposed to increase spending.

I'm with the airlines on this one.

To read the full article, go here.

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