Friday, May 17, 2013

Options, Opportunity and Incentive

The closing of ComiXpress did not come as a total surprise to me. As I mentioned earlier, their website has been down for "maintenance" for about a week or so. I did consider what I would do if they closed down.

I've already made inquiries with other publishers and some seem very promising. Since I am in no rush and I have three boxes full of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan in stock, I should have enough last to the end of the year. (I had some already and ordered more before the Mad Monster Party convention in March. Good thing I did, in light of today's news.)  I will continue to check with publishers to see what services they have available and the cost.

At present, I see that I have two options:

1.  I can go with a new publisher and continue with the current edition (but modify it to remove references/advertising to ComiXpress). This would be the easier route, but...

2. I can go with a new publisher and publish a new, revised/updated edition.  I have been thinking along these lines for the past several months anyway. This presents a good opportunity and incentive to get on the ball to do so.

One publisher, Ka-Blam Digital Printing, compares favorably to what I had at ComiXpress.  Jenni at Ka-Blam is already familiar with The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan and this blog. And, she has received other queries since ComiXpress made their announcement.

She wrote, in part:

Hi Armand,

Thanks for writing.
We are getting a lot of inquiries regarding this topic.
I'm familiar with your blog previous to this incident. I've not had a chance to see the book.
Ok! Any further questions, just post and one of us will help you out.

The Amazon Kindle ebook edition is still available.  No changes there.

I am going to "mull it over" for a while.  Luckily, I am in no hurry.  Any suggestions?

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