Monday, May 13, 2013

Outing IRS Exempt Organizations Specialists

In the IRS targeting scandal, we have two names of IRS Exempt Organizations Specialists (courtesy of the U.K. Daily Mail):

Stephen Seok
Elizabeth Hofacre

Both were from the Cincinnati, Ohio IRS office.

These two "specialists" need to be called before any and all Congressional investigating committees.  Perhaps they can give information on who gave them the order(s) to target conservative organizations with first amendment-violating questions and determine if they were Democrat "moles" in the IRS.

The documents can be seen here.

From Politico:

IRS employees are already prohibited from discriminating in the course of the work, but the highest level of punishment is termination. Under [Rep. Michael] Turner’s law, the penalty would be increased to a fine up to $5,000, five years in prison or both.

Read more:

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