Saturday, May 18, 2013

Plenty of Copies of "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan" But Others Not So Lucky

With the announcement of the closure of ComiXpress yesterday, I have to thank my lucky stars that I ordered enough copies of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan to last through to the end of the year. So if you're on the fence about getting copy, you may want to consider doing so now while I am still running a sale until June 8:

Source: Anime News Network.

Unfortunately, the closure is putting a crimp on the Monster Attack Team (the pre-Famous Monsters group) magazine.  They have enough copies of Monster Attack Team number 8 to sell at an upcoming convention at the end of this month, but have to temporarily halt online sales until they sign up with another print-on-demand publisher.  Details here.

Along with Monster Attack Team, I can imagine the ComiXpress closure is immediately putting a bind on other self-publishing comics and magazine creators who don't have enough copies in stock to tide them over.

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