Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Vintage Japan and Korea Photographs

Above, a 1960s view of a subway station entrance in Ginza along Harumi Dori.  In
the background is the Wako Department Store at Ginza Crossing.

RocketNews24 has an interesting collection of vintage snapshot photographs of Japan and Korea from the 1960s. One of the photos is the one above of Ginza, Tokyo.

The posting explains:
This beautiful photo collection, sourced from a Korean website, takes us back to Tokyo and Seoul in the ’60s, when both cities were undergoing a period of renewal, redefining themselves after years of war. But with Japan’s reconstruction efforts beginning in 1945, after World War II, and Korea’s reconstruction starting almost a decade later, in 1953, after the Korean War, the photos depict two very different levels of progress. While equally beautiful to us, these photos have inevitably become another point of debate between net users from the two countries.
To see the collection, go here

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