Thursday, June 20, 2013

Japan Tourism Industry Cultivates Anime Fans, Ignores Kaiju Fans

Anime fans continue to be cultivated for tourism by the Japanese tourism industry and government.

According to Kyodo News:
The government, the Japan External Trade Organization and other bodies released a joint action plan Thursday to encourage foreign tourists to visit "sacred places" in the world of anime. 
As a "pilgrimage to sacred places," fans of Japanese anime often visit buildings, streets and other sites related to the stories. 
For instance, many fans visit a shrine in the town of Washimiya in Saitama Prefecture featured in manga-based anime "Lucky Star," according to the Japan National Tourism Organization.
It is stretching it a bit to have "sacred places" referenced in anime promoted in this manner.  After all, as the JapanVisitor blog once wrote of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan:
"Original settings" is a bit a tricky concept in this context, of course. Those Japanese landmarks had been recreated as scale models in the Toho Studios and were then destroyed by the giant monster. In real life, they still stand unscathed by any monster action and can easily be visited. 
Still, in the world of kaiju, at least footage of the actual places (in most instances) were used in Japanese science-fiction and fantasy movies, just edited in with the soon-to-be-destroyed miniatures of them.  It is not  a "tricky concept" to base tours or travel guides to locations and landmarks in used kaiju movies as it is with anime. Or, I should say, it is a far less "tricky concept" to base tours or travel guides to kaiju locations than it is with anime.  Take your pick.

Regardless, if they can entice people to Japan in this manner, more power to them. But they should also promote tourism with the "sacred places" featured in Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra and Gamera movies in the same way.

To view the full article, go here.

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