Wednesday, June 26, 2013


If you are "into" politics, love humor, satire and want to "vault" your opinion by interacting with political dialogue, then is the place for you!

What is Polvaulting?

Here's what they say: is a juggernaut of free speech. It’s new. It’s fun and it’s free. will show you powerful techniques which you can use to articulate another person’s view point and harness those ideas to say what you want about the world. 
There is simply nothing on the internet or in social media like Polvaulting. com. This is a unique website that marries free speech and and deep thought. 
Our Political Characters and their Dialogues give you an opportunity to ‘vault’ your opinion and interact with the most compelling issues in contemporary political life. 
We invite to you to choose one or several Dialogues listed to the left. When you have made your choice, you can add your thoughts and opinions using our Characters as conduits. 
Discover how you can stimulate discussion and debate in this creative environment. 
Why not get involved right here, right now with this revolutionary social form of political Satire?
The definition of "Polvaulting" is:
Polvaulting’s concept is simple. The ”POL” reflects politics. The “VAULT” mirrors the capability of the human brian. When combined, an intellectual athleticism occurs, resulting in a deeper and more meaningful experience for our guests.
Go to and give it a try! 

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