Saturday, June 8, 2013

Should You Get Travel Insurance?

Above, yours truly at the Great Buddha of Kamakura.  While here, a
member of our tour group found his travel insurance came in handy.
Before taking a trip, should you buy travel insurance?  Many people ask themselves that question. It really depends upon the traveler if he/she needs it.

Personally, I've purchased travel insurance once.  I have seen where it did come in handy.  In 2004, during G-TOUR, one member of our tour group came down seriously ill while we were at the Great Buddha of Kamakura.  He had to be taken by ambulance to a local hospital and then was transferred to another hospital in Yokohama.  Fortunately, he had travel insurance which provided coverage during his hospitalization in Japan. He was able to make a full recovery thanks to the medical treatment he received.

The Milwaukee, Wisconsin Journal Sentinel has an article on whether or not to buy travel insurance.

They preface it with:
To buy or not to buy travel insurance? It's that time of year when lots of consumers are asking the Wisconsin Better Business Bureau that question. 
Travel insurance may be helpful if you need to cancel your trip, return home early or have to get emergency medical help while you travel.
Then they provide some caveats.  I will post one:
  • Trip cancellation or interruption insurance will only reimburse you for reasons on the insurer's acceptable list, such as injury, sickness or in the case of death of yourself, a family member, a travel companion or business partner, according to the Wisconsin BBB. Some only cover medical reasons. Some don't cover pre-existing medical conditions, so read the fine print.
The bottom line: it is really up to you.  To read the full article, go here.

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