Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Walt Disney Must Be Spinning In His Grave

Above, 1958 Disneyland ticket book backs.  Note the prices.

If Walt Disney saw what is being charged for admission to either Disneyland in California or Walt Disney World in Florida, he'd be spinning in his grave. reported:

When you wish upon a star, be sure to bring your wallet. Disneyland and Disney World have raised their ticket prices. 
Disney said in a statement that starting Sunday, a one-day adult ticket to one park at Disneyland will cost $92, a $5 increase. Kids' tickets also jumped $5, to $87. 
The prices apply to either Disneyland Park or Disney California Adventure Park. Buyers of annual passes will see similar increases.
Walt Disney once said:
"What this country really needs is an amusement park that families can take their children to. They've gotten so honky tonk with a lot of questionable characters running around, and they're not to safe. They're not well kept. I want to have a place that's as clean as anything could ever be, and all the people in it [his park] are first-class citizens, and treated like guests."

It looks like people would have to be rich in order to take their families to either park or get a co-signer. I remember the days when $8.00 (in the 1960s) would get you a day's admission with the various tickets at different levels (the 'E' ticket would get you on the more popular (and better) rides.

Now, the cost for a family of four would be $355, and that's just to get in.  Add to that food and souvenirs, the price would likely be over $500 (you can almost fly to Japan for that amount).

Yep, ol' Walt would be spinning in his grave if he saw how the Walt Disney Company is gouging people.

To read more, go here.

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