Monday, July 22, 2013

5 Ways To Avoid Airline Fees

Want avoid those extra fees the airlines are charging these days?  Well, I found another article on the subject, this time in the Huffington Post Travel page.

It is pretty straightforward.  But they do have some good tips on avoiding fees. Not all airlines charge the same and some are greedier than others.

Before they go into their five tips, they start the article with:
It's summer, and this much is known: It's expensive to fly. Add the mounting surcharges of new or unexpected fees and the overall cost of a ticket becomes a punch-in-the-gut punishment for travelling by air. To this end, savvy travelers with tricks of their own, combat airline fees in myriad ways, some tedious and some creative. Listed below are five areas where it pays (or saves, rather) to be in the know.
To read the full article and familiarize yourself with their money-saving tips, go here

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