Monday, July 15, 2013

A Polarized People

Revised Late 7-15-13.

The state of the Union is not good.

The verdict in the George Zimmerman trial over the death of Trayvon Martin has left people very polarized. Much of the polarization had been fed by the Obama Administration (especially, the "Justice" Department) with their manipulative activities in turning a tragedy into a racial and political one. They were also aided and abetted by the mainstream media (with NBC as the worst offender in broadcasting doctored audio) with their biased and distorted reporting.

Neither Zimmerman or Martin were perfect angels. The situation wasn't handled perfectly by either party. There's a lot of "what ifs" involved.  But, I do firmly believe that Zimmerman had to act, while his head was being slammed against the pavement, in self-defense. The jury agreed. Others agree and disagree with this verdict, but the jury acted in accordance with the law and the evidence that was presented to them. I don't condemn anyone who does not agree with my opinion.

This has gotten friends and acquaintances at odds. Some have even gone so far as to break friendships and "de-friending" people on social media sites (such as Facebook) because they taken have a position in opposition to theirs. I have never broken friendships over politics. I usually refrain from discussing politics with close friends who are decidedly liberal. This was how Henry Fonda and James Stewart, polar opposites politically, were able to maintain their friendship. They never discussed politics.

Anyone with half a brain, who read my blog posts wherein I've stated my opinion on the case, would know that my views were formulated with the actual record of the event, not the distorted media spin (some people claim that Zimmerman "stalked" Martin, this is totally untrue, among other things), and based upon my own experience in working security. Martin and Zimmerman just happened to be going in the same direction. I looked at what the pure evidence showed. If someone could construe that my views of the case came from racism or bigotry, they are just plain full of sh*t.  And, if I post an article on the case, it is usually done without comment by me. If you don't like it, don't read it! It is as simple as that!  I see left wing propaganda posted all the time, I just ignore it and don't read it.  Why can't they do likewise?

It is a sad state of affairs for this to come down in this way. For someone to break a friendship over politics shows a definite intolerant mind. I have been tempted to do so many times, but I just let the other person vent and move on.  Some people feel that free speech is a one-way street.  Sorry, but everyone has as much right to voice their opinions as they do.

It is okay for them to label people as right-wingers, gun nuts, racists, etc.  But should someone retort with "liberal moron," they get their panties in a bunch and have coronaries!  It is the old "they can dish it out, but can't take it" thing.

I have liberal (or "leftie" friends).  We razz each other on occasion.  It is all done in good humor.  We still manage to get along.

One "lib" friend wrote:
  • Armand, you and I go back a couple of years from other sites....your extreme viewpoints have caught my attention on very many occasions. You no doubt think of me as a left wing, flaming liberal commie pinko wacko. If you don't I am shocked.

    And we
    have crossed swords a time or two have we not? In fact I am often surprised you have NOT unfriended me...but I figure that's because you're a decent enough man to understand that it takes all kinds to make a world and even if you don't like it one little bit, you accept that other opinions are a part of the landscape.

    At least that is what I think about you. I don't always like what you say, but I do like you, that's plenty enough for me to listen. I hope you don't unfriend me for this radical thought...but if you do....who needs ya? *LOL*...
No, I don't think of the writer as a "left wing, flaming liberal commie picko wacko."  Wrong-headed, perhaps.  She is right, except that my viewpoints are not extreme, they are mainstream.  My problem with the Obama Democrats are that they are systematically dismantling this country and are trying to turn it into a socialistic "utopia," something the founders never intended. ObamaCare is a train wreck that is about to happen. That's what I oppose.

The bottom line is, I guess some people just aren't mature enough to tolerate other people's opinions. Very sad.

Grow up, people!

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