Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Adventures of Superman" Plaque Progress Report #3

Above, behind the scenes in 1953.

It was only yesterday afternoon that the word was put out that we need to raise $1,000 for the Adventures of Superman "The Man Who Could Read Minds" plaque.

The fans responded enthusiastically and, by evening, we raised (at present) $442.35. That is almost half of what's needed!  The cost will include the tablet, photo-engraving, lawnmower-proofing, taxes and concrete to anchor it in.

The plaque will be 28" x 16", made of granite (as a bronze one would be too tempting for thieves to steal for the metal), three inches thick, will be lawnmower-proof and will include a photo with the inscription. We have not as yet decided on the inscription or the photo to be used. We would prefer a photo of the entire five cast members (George Reeves, John Hamilton, Noel Neill, Jack Larson and Robert Shayne).  If we are unable to locate a suitable photo with all five, then we will probably settle for one of just George Reeves as Superman. We are checking with several sources for a good black & white cast photo.

So we're off to a great start for the August 16, 2014 morning plaque dedication to be held in Tarzana, California!

For details, go here.

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