Thursday, July 25, 2013

Atami Article Submitted To JapanTourist

Above, perched atop a hill overlooking Atami harbor, is Atami Castle.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Finally, after being busy with other stuff for the past two months, I submitted my latest Japan travel article to JapanTourist.

It is on King Kong's and Godzilla's favorite Japanese seaside resort town: Atami.

Godzilla fans are aware that Atami was the final battleground of King Kong and Godzilla in 1962's King Kong vs. Godzilla. After demolishing Atami Castle, both Kong and Godzilla toppled into the ocean at the end of the movie. Kong surfaced and swam back to Faro Island while Godzilla disappeared under the waves leaving fans wondering for the past 51 years, "Who won?"

Once the article is approved and posted, I will post a notice on this blog.

Atami is spotlighted on page 35 of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

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