Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bondage Evaluations

Above, Sean Connery in "Doctor No."

Now that Daniel Craig has three Bond movies under his belt, it is enough time to evaluate my favorites and not-so-favorite James Bonds of the movies.

As it stands now, Sean Connery is still my favorite (and the best) James Bond. His performance as 007 is still the "template" for all the Bonds that followed.

My second favorite Bond is the current one, Daniel Craig. He has the right amount of toughness to make him believable as a super-spy.

My third favorite (who was my second choice before Craig came along) is Timothy Dalton. Like Connery and Craig, he was believable in the role. Unfortunately, many others didn't particularly warm to him and the scripts of his two films could have been better. It is too bad he didn't stay on longer and receive a top-notch script to work with.

George Lazenby. He only made one Bond movie, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, but considering his limited acting experience at the time and the great script he received, he did very well. Unfortunately, he managed to piss off the producers at Eon Productions and wasn't invited back. Lazenby is my forth favorite Bond.

My problem with Roger Moore is that he really didn't have the gravitas for the role as James Bond and his portrayal made Bond act like a fop. He had his moments where he was quite good, such as in For Your Eyes Only. He just wasn't too believable as a super-spy.

I didn't warm up to Pierce Brosnan as Bond. He had the same problem as Moore, not enough gravitas for the role and in his early Bond movies, he seemed to be posing, not acting. He seemed too soft for the role. He got better in his later Bond movies, but the scripts he had to work with did not help.  

That's my view of the Bond actors for now.

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