Sunday, July 7, 2013

Chinese P.O.W.s Killed By Nagasaki A-Bomb Memorialized

Above, the walkway to the Peace Statue in Nagasaki Peace Park. Foundation
remnants of the P.O.W. prison are visible in the grassy areas on each
side of the walkway.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Chinese prisoners of war who were killed by the atomic bomb in Nagasaki, Japan now have a new monument.

The Japan Times reports:
NAGASAKI – A memorial ceremony to commemorate Chinese who were imprisoned in Nagasaki Prefecture on spying charges during the war and who later died during the U.S. atomic bombing in August 1945 was held Sunday at Nagasaki’s Peace Park. 
At the ceremony, a new monument bearing a plaque explaining how about 40,000 Chinese were forcibly brought to Japan during the war to make up for a nationwide labor shortage was unveiled. 
Of those people, about 1,000 were forced to work in mines in Nagasaki, the plaque explains in Japanese, Chinese and English.
Above, the remains of the P.O.W. prison at Peace Park in Nagasaki.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Portions of Nagasaki's Peace Park is built on the site of the P.O.W. prison. Remnants of the prison's foundation are still visible.

Although Nagasaki had not appeared in a kaiju movie, the atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima influenced the creation of the Godzilla character. Accordingly, Nagasaki's Peace Park is spotlighted in The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan on page 47.

To view the full article, go here.

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