Tuesday, July 16, 2013

DOJ Sets Up Snitch Hotline For The Lynching of George Zimmerman

Eric Holder's Department of "Justice" refuses to investigate the targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service, but presses ahead to "investigate" (i.e., railroad) and acquitted man, George Zimmerman.

They have now announced a snitch line for wackos to provide "tips" for their "investigation" of whether or not a federal criminal case can be brought against Zimmerman:
The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday afternoon appealed to civil rights groups and community leaders, nationally and in Sanford, for help investigating whether a federal criminal case might be brought against George Zimmerman for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, one advocate said. 
The DOJ has also set up a public email address to take in tips on its civil rights investigation.
This is nothing but a tyrannical un-American lynch mob out to get Zimmerman. It is totalitarian! Remember, the Nazis had the Hitler Youth to snitch on people for their show trials.

Welcome to the People's Republic of Obama!

For details, go here.

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