Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"It's Gone!" "Like It Was Never There!"*

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie
Fan's Guide To Japan."  Photo by Armand Vaquer,

This morning, for the heck of it, I checked to see what, if anything, has been posted at Regular readers of this blog know that The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan was published (as print on demand) by ComiXpress until they decided to call it quits last May.

Well, the website has been totally taken down. There's nothing to see there. R.I.P.

While my experience with ComiXpress had been a good one, I thought that closing down shop without allowing book producers to retrieve their formatted book files to take elsewhere was a mistake. That is, unless separate and private arrangements with the producers in retrieving their book files were made. This wasn't an issue for me as I have the formatted The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan file saved on discs.

This would be a problem for some book producers if they were unable to retrieve their formatted files from ComiXpress if they didn't save their book files or if they saved it on a computer that later crashed.

Fortunately, as I have mentioned previously, I placed a big order of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan earlier this year as I had conventions and presentations to do. I have plenty of copies available.  Go here for ordering information.

*Quoted from Sara and Eben Kent in "Superman On Earth" (1951).

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