Friday, July 19, 2013

Nixon Library & Birthplace Celebrates 23 Years

Above, four presidents and first ladies gather for the opening of the Nixon Library & Birthplace.

It was a hot day on July 19, 1990 in Yorba Linda, California.  

I was there for the opening ceremonies of the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace.  Along with former President Nixon, President George H. W. Bush, former Presidents Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan were on hand.  I even caught a glimpse of comedian Bob Hope.

The Nixon Foundation posted:
On July 19, 1990, more than 50,000 people accompanied President and Mrs. Nixon and three U.S. Presidents to dedicate his Library and Birthplace in Yorba Linda, California. 
“Nothing we have ever seen matches this moment – to be welcomed home again so warmly by our friends in California,” Richard Nixon said at the dedication. 
“It’s a long way from Yorba Linda to the White House,” he added, referring to his tremendous journey. 
The Nixon Library has been telling his story for 23 years – the story of a man who rose from humble beginnings to become the 37th President and one of the important statesmen of the 20th century.
I have a home video (taken with a bulky Zenith VHS camcorder) of the proceedings.

For more on the Nixon Foundation, go here.

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