Wednesday, July 31, 2013

No More Vichy Republicans!

This post at Twitter by Chuck Wollery gave me an idea. So I decided to have some fun with it.

The Vichy French collaborated with their German Nazi masters.  The RINO Republicans are the same.  The two most prominent Vichy Republicans in the Senate are Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain.  

I am not the first to come up with term Vichy Republican. It has been around for a while.  

Eric Erickson wrote in the Free Republic in 2009:
The ground has not shifted to the left. They have shifted to the left. They have become Vichy Republicans — not Republicans in Name Only. The difference is that they stand on their bona fides as Republicans, patted on the back by other Republicans of unquestioned party affiliation, to sell out the party by collaborating with the Democrats. 
McCain has been working closely with the White House and a handful of Democrats in the Senate in recent weeks. Graham's collaboration with the Democrats on immigration reform has ticked off the GOP base enough that he might face a primary challenge.

Then I came up with this:

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