Friday, July 19, 2013

The Crazies Were Out Last Night In San Bernardino

The crazies were out in force in San Bernardino, California last night.

The Los Angeles Times reported:
At least six people were arrested Thursday night in San Bernardino after rocks and bottles were thrown and officers and pedestrians were attacked in a protest against the George Zimmerman trial verdict. 
The incident began about 8 p.m. as marchers moved south along Highland Avenue and were joined by others not initially involved with what was a peaceful protest at that point, according to police. 
Protesters ended up at a Jack in the Box restaurant near Waterman Avenue and Baseline Street and began hurling rocks and bottles at passing vehicles and officers who arrived at the scene, said Lt. Mike Madden of the San Bernardino Police Department.
I was alerted about this last night by a friend whose daughter works in the area as an EMT. She told me that her daughter has been assaulted and faced other horrific situations on the job.  As the city is bankrupt, the fire department and police don't respond to calls as they are supposed to.

Thankfully, she made it home okay last night.

Of course, San Bernardino is another Democrat-controlled city that has gone bankrupt.

To read more, go here

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