Thursday, July 18, 2013

Travel Across Japan...At Home

Above, a shot from the Kanto and Tokai video.

Thought of taking a trip across Japan?  RocketNews24 has an article on taking such a trip to Japan, but you won't have to leave the comfort of your couch to do so.

According to the article:
I’m sure taking a trip across Japan is a thought that has crossed the minds of many, whether they’ve already visited the country or not. However, unless you’re enjoying a gap year or have an extremely understanding boss, taking enough time off to see it all in one go isn’t easy. Experiencing the change in climates as you travel between the different regions of the country or admiring the scenery particular to a specific area carries an undeniable charm. If only there were a way to experience Japan in its full glory without being restricted by the factor of time.
Well, we might have just the solution for all you busy people out there. It comes in the form of a special Google Street View movie which boasts footage of the whole journey across the country, from the northernmost tip of mainland Japan right down to the south.
While going there yourself is vastly much better, this may be the next best thing. That is, if you run like The Flash.

To view the article and videos, go here

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