Thursday, July 18, 2013

What To See In Tokyo In Two Days

Above, a feeder canal as seen from a Sumida River cruise boat.  A cruise on
the Sumida is one of the article's suggestions.  Photo by Armand Vaquer

Suppose you're in Japan but you have only two days available to see the city of Tokyo. What should you do?

The Toronto Star has an article with some suggestions of things to do in Tokyo in two days.

It begins with:
TOKYO—Japan’s population may be skewing older, leading the global march to demographic gridlock, but Tokyo feels like a city powered by the young. Sophisticated and sprawling, with half a dozen city centres that long ago grew together, it combines the life force of a national capital of everything—politics, finance, culture, style – with a talent for change and renewal that it earned the hard way, bouncing back after repeated flattening by earthquakes, fires and war over its 400 years of existence.
To see their recommendations, go here

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