Saturday, August 31, 2013

25 Essential Tokyo Souvenirs

Above, an Asakusa souvenir shop.  Many of the items on the list can be purchased here.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Souvenir shopping in Japan seems rather easy for a Japanese giant monster fan. Just go to a toy or gift store that sells kaiju toys and you're done.

But what about non-kaiju related items?  Time Out Tokyo has a list of 25 "essential" Tokyo souvenirs that will make that part of shopping much easier.

They start it with:
No trip to Tokyo would be complete without some souvenir shopping, but scoring the ultimate omiyage can be a real pain sometimes. We've made life easier by picking 25 great Tokyo souvenirs, ranging from the traditional (incense, combs, lucky charms) to the downright quirky (tooth-shaped jewellery, anyone?), and most of them are sold close to the city's main sightseeing spots. Happy shopping, and remember: there's more to souvenirs than Tokyo Banana.
 But make sure you pick up a box of Tokyo Banana cakes anyway. They're really delicious!

To read the list of 25 Tokyo souvenirs, go here.

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