Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Adventures of Superman" Plaque Fundraising: Less Than $100 Away!

We are less than $100 away from meeting our $1,000 goal in raising funds for the Adventures of Superman plaque dedication next summer in Tarzana.

Also, Jim Nolt reports:
I got word back from Bob Burns this morning. Barring any health problems, he and his wife will be at [the dedication]... and he will bring along the Flash Gordon and Capt. Marvel tunics worn in "Superman On Earth."
Above, the Captain Marvel tunic is on the left and the Flash Gordon/Jor-El
tunic is on the right (worn by Buster Crabbe and Robert Rockwell).

"Superman On Earth" was the first Adventures of Superman episode broadcast in 1952 (or 1953, depending upon the television market). It recounted how the Man of Steel was sent to earth by Jor-El and Lara. 

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