Monday, August 5, 2013

Japan Travel Website

One of the more interesting Japan travel websites I've found is one by Muza-chan from Bucharest, Romania.

About Muza-chan:
I started the website in November 2007, a few weeks after my first trip to Japan. At the time, I had in mind a travel journal, written for my Romanian friends. But after a while I received a lot of questions, so I also started to write about the Japanese customs and traditions I observed. Soon, I added several other topics, like history, travel tips, pop-culture... 
During the last 6 years, I visited Japan about a month per year… somehow I feel at home there, as if a part of my soul was always there. It is a place I love and where I feel loved... 
I want to show you the Japan that I see and many times I feel that I can do more through photos than through words…
Her website is easily-navigated and is sorted by topic. She also has a nice photo gallery to peruse.

A lot of people agree with me on her site as she has over 36,000 Twitter followers!

To view Muza-chan's site, go here.

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