Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Japanese Signs To Be Made Tourist-Friendly

Above, the National Diet will be easier to identify once its signs are changed.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Japan is taking more steps to make the country more tourist-friendly.

According to The Japan Times:
Foreign tourists should have an easier time identifying the seat of government in Tokyo when the current sign, “Kokkai,” is pulled down and replaced with “The National Diet,” officials said Tuesday. 
In all, 13 street signs will be replaced, including changing “Sorikantei” to “Prime Minister’s Office” and “Sakurada dori” to “Sakurada-dori Ave.” 
“Japan aims to be a tourism-oriented country, so together with relevant bodies, we decided to make these replacements to make the nation more foreigner-friendly,” said Hiroshi Mochizuki, a section chief at the Tokyo government’s construction bureau. 
The Japanese on three signs will also be changed to make it easier for visitors to comprehend.
To read the full article, go here

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