Saturday, August 31, 2013

Remember When We Were Able To Talk To Those People?

Above, President Nixon welcomed to Damascus by Syrian President Hafez al-Assad in 1974.

With President Obama anxious to attack Syria, with the chemical weapons attack as the reason, it struck me that, nearly 40 years ago, we had a president welcomed in Syria by President of Syria Hafez al-Assad, the father of the current president, Bashar Hafez al-Assad.

In 1974, President Richard M. Nixon landed in Damascus to meet with Assad.

Those were the days when we had leaders skilled in diplomacy and were able to make conditions possible to talk to those people. We are now "led" by amateurs. We have no credibility or respect in the region today.

Whose side are we on? Neither side is what could be described as desirable, but should we attack, what would be the response from Syria, Iran and others in the region? If we do attack, what is our strategy?

And, what about Israel?

Obama is hell-bent on "going it alone" with an attack. He has practically no allied support (the British Parliament just voted down the Prime Minister's request to go to war).

Now it is coming out that the chemical weapons attack originated from the Syrian rebels.  To read the report on this from, go here.

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