Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tsukiji Fish Market: The Last Wild Urban Market

Above, one of the many vendor stalls at Tsukiji.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There's no giant monsters here, but a visit to the Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo during the wee hours of the morning will be a memorable one, whether you're a kaiju fan or not.

I visited Tsukiji Fish Market for the first time in 2010 and I enjoyed the experience.

The Huffington Post has an excellent article on the fish market and they get you hooked with the first two paragraphs:
Turret trucks careening around corners, workers unloading boxes of glistening scales and tentacles, tuna carvers wielding samurai swords. All happening while Tokyo sleeps. 
Tsukiji Market holds a storied place among international visitors and chefs in Tokyo. It is the world's largest wholesale seafood market, sprawling across 23 hectares or about 55 American football fields. Over 2,000 tons of product moves through these stalls every day, ranging from tiny anchovies and smelt to hulking tunas and cuts of whale.
Above, one of many vendor aisles at Tsukiji.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The article captures the fish market very well. I heartily recommend a visit, provided you can manage to get out of bed early.

While there, treat yourself to a great sushi meal at one of the neighboring restaurants.

To read the article, go here

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