Monday, November 4, 2013

DC Comics To Join DC Entertainment In Burbank

Above, DC's characters are prominent on a sound stage at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

DC Comics has announced that it is moving its last publishing vestiges from New York to "Beautiful Downtown Burbank" in 2015. It will be joining DC Entertainment.

According to the Hollywood Reporter:
In 2015, DC Comics will leave its base of operations for more than three quarters of a century when the publishing arm of DC Entertainment moves across the country from New York to join its digital and administrative divisions in Burbank, Calif. 
The move, initially reported as rumor this morning, was confirmed in an email sent by DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson to staff this afternoon. "The move is not imminent and we will have more than a year to work with the entire company on a smooth transition for all of us, personally and professionally," she wrote. 
DC Entertainment initially moved its multimedia-related offices to Burbank in 2010, a year after the formation of DCE as an entity within the larger Warner Bros. corporation.
Ever since I can remember, DC Comics has always been based in New York, with some operations in Sparta, Illinois. I still remember when DC was still National Periodical Publications back in the 1960s. I also remember their New York address back then: 575 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York. Some things just get tattooed in one's gray matter.

Hopefully, maybe the change in scenery will work to the company's advantage to publish better comics. I am not impressed with their current offerings. With very few exceptions, the "New 52" stinks to high heaven.

To read the full story, go here.

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