Monday, November 25, 2013

Donate To Matt Bevin's Campaign And Dump Mitch McConnell!

Above, Matt Bevin.  Photo by Bevin for Senate.

Tired of U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky?  I sure am and I did something about it!

Thanks to the ineffective "leadership" of McConnell, "Dingy" Harry Reid has taken away the one weapon the GOP had to block leftist/socialist judicial appointments of Barack Obama. Reid's "nuclear option." Now the Democrats can appoint whomever they choose to the federal courts. They will appoint judges who will take away our freedoms and destroy the Constitution.

We can thank Mitch McConnell for letting this happen.

Unfortunately, I don't live in Kentucky, so I can't vote for Matt Bevin, the conservative Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate from Kentucky. I did the next best thing. I sent a contribution to Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate Committee. He is running in the GOP primary against McConnell. In fact, Bevin recently took 80% in a Kentucky straw poll! (See

If you agree with me, I urge you to go to Matt Bevin's campaign website and contribute to his campaign!

To go to Matt Bevin's campaign website, to here.

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