Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"Godzilla" (1984) DVD From Far East Flix

Thanks to the fine folks at Far East Flix, I've started to fill in some gaps in my Godzilla and other Japanese sci-fi flicks DVD collection.

Not recalling buying anything from them before (if I had, it must've have been ages ago and completely forgot about it), I decided to try them out with Godzilla (1984) (also known as Return of Godzilla and its U.S. counterpart, Godzilla 1985). The DVD arrived in the mail yesterday.

I have this movie and Godzilla 1985 in VHS format (I have all Godzilla movies in VHS), but haven't bought either in DVD until now.

This DVD is just the Japanese version with subtitles. It is a good 2-disc set with the first disc being just the movie and the second disc contains the extras (that includes a gallery, trailers and a behind-the-scenes feature shot during the making of the movie with a lot of  producer Tomoyuki Tanaka in it).

Tonight was a not-too-interesting television night and my roomie conked out on the couch, so I decided to pop in the disc. It played quite well in my Blu-ray player with great picture and sound quality. As it happened, she woke up while I was watching. After grumbling a bit, she actually enjoyed the movie as well as the extras. She was impressed with the miniature work as well as special effects director Teruyoshi Nakano's pyrotechnics. We both agreed that this was far more enjoyable than the CGI crud (although much improved) that is now being put out by Hollywood today.

Far East Flix passed the test, so I will be buying more DVDs from them. Their website is

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