Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Planning Ahead and Returning To Japan

Above, yours truly is heading back to the "Land of the Big G" early next year.

This year's crop check has arrived and now I can turn my attention to my planning for the next few months. Although corn prices are well below last year's, this years crop is the best in ages (I'm told) with a far better-than-average per acre yield, which made up quite a bit of the difference.

Since the "demise" of ComiXpress, I had to find another self-publishing house for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan. I've decided to go with Ka-Blam Digital Publishing (catchy name, eh?). After deciding, this left me with two options:
1. Make slight modifications to the current edition of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan and publish that way at Ka-Blam. Or,
2. To a complete revision/update of the travel guide and publish through Ka-Blam.
I've decided on option two. This decision requires that I head over to Japan for more material. I've no problem with this, as I have been "chafing at the bit" to make the trip. I will be going early next year. Since I will be doing so for the guide, I can write off most, if not all, of my travel expenses from my income taxes (just like I did three years ago). Since the dollar is performing much better against the yen in exchange rates and given the cheap airfare prices I've been finding lately, this is the perfect time to go. I hope to have everything done and having it published by Spring.

For those who can't wait for the second edition, do not fret as I have plenty of copies of the current edition available. Go here for ordering details.

This trip will be combined with assisting Godzilla and Hiroshima: The Rise of the Kaiju Eiga producer/director Jonathan Bellés as he gathers material for his documentary. We will be deciding on the trip dates and make plans accordingly.

Once I return, work will begin on the "second edition" of the travel guide.

The trip will be something to look forward to as 2013 ends and 2014 begins.

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