Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sickness Prevention On Vacation

Above, a Japanese girl (right) with a face mask to prevent the spread of germs in Niigata.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While chatting with a friend this morning, she mentioned that she's starting to get symptoms of a cold. Her job has her around people in a closed-off (window-wise) office building with air conditioning.

This reminded me of how people are exposed to all kinds of flu and cold bugs while flying in jetliners and in foreign countries. The air conditioning system and lax cleaning of the planes are just some of the causes people get sick while on a long-distance trip.

I mentioned my regimen of taking Vitamin C tablets for about a week before going on vacation and continuing to do so for the duration of the trip. I learned this lesson the hard way as I got sick during a 2000 Alaska cruise and three days into my 2001 (and first) visit to Japan. Since I started the Vitamin C regimen, I have not gotten sick on a trip ever since. Vitamin C helps to bolster one's immune system.

This may not work for everyone as not all peoples' systems are alike. All I can say is that it works for me. I recommend buying your remedies at home before heading to Japan or any other foreign country. You may want to consider taking along antiseptic wipes to keep your hands sanitized. Home remedies you should bring include aspirin (or Tylenol), Tums or Pepto Bismol, Immodium and whatever home remedies you feel you may need.

This subject is mentioned on page 8 of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

The Japanese method of preventing the spread of germs through the use of face masks is one that should be used here.

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