Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ten Things Japan Gets Awesomely Right

Above, a Japanese vending machine.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The other day, I blogged about RocketNews24's "Ten Things Japan Gets Horribly Wrong." They now have a follow-up article on the "Ten Thing Japan Gets Awesomely Right."

They start it with:
At the end of our recent article listing the 10 things that we think Japan gets horribly wrong, we assured you that we’d be back soon to focus on some of the positives and introduce the things that we really, truly love about living in Japan. True to our word, we sat down and decided on what we as (mostly) foreigners most love about this great little collection of islands, and it turned out to be a lot of fun. 
Although Japan is not without its faults, it is nevertheless an incredibly efficient and easy-to-live-in country, and we’ve discovered that there are numerous things that the Japanese get not just right, but awesomely right. 
Join us after the jump for our top 10 things we love about Japan.
Above, my breakfast near the Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The choices they came up with are ones I agree with, especially the first two: vending machines and food.

You'll have to check out the other eight by going here

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