Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ten Things Japan Gets Horribly Wrong

Above, the clock tower of the Wako Dept. Store in Ginza in Christmas lighting.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

RocketNews24 has posted a rather amusing article on ten items in Japan life that drives foreigners crazy. It is an amusing article and one where either you'll laugh, agree or disagree with.

It starts out with:
It should come as no surprise to our readers to hear that we’re big fans of Japan. Pretty much everything here works as it should, the food is amazing, the culture rich, and people are on the whole likeable and friendly. But there are times when Westerners, and Japanese who have spent any amount of time abroad for that matter, realise that Japan gets some things not just wrong but horribly wrong. 
So join us after the jump as we redress the balance no doubt offset by our constant admiration of Japan by discussing the 10 little things that drive us nuts in this otherwise great country.
Personally, none of the quirks listed have been a problem or concern for me. I just find many Japanese idiosyncrasies amusing.

Although Japan is not a Christian nation, they do have an odd Christmas tradition that raises eyebrows (and a few chuckles) that made the list. That is why I chose a photo of the Wako Dept. Store's clock tower in Ginza all decked out in Christmas lighting at the top of this post.

To see what drives foreigners bonkers, go here.

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