Monday, May 19, 2014

Another Take: "Godzilla" An Anti-Global Warming Alarmism Movie

Many movies (if not most of them) contain messages that the writer or studio bigwigs wish to convey to the moviegoer.

According to an article in the Washington Times, Godzilla is no exception, except its message is that man has the arrogance "for thinking he can control nature" or, to put it bluntly, his activities are causing global warming (or climate change, if you prefer). This is what Rush Limbaugh has been arguing for years.

The global warming alarmists aren't going to like that.

Earth's climate is constantly changing. This was true eons before man appeared on this planet and will remain true after man is gone.

The article starts with:
If it’s summer movie season, that means it’s time for me to make some counterintuitive claims about the blockbusters in our midst. Last year, I made the case that Star Trek: Into Darkness was accidentally a pro-drone-strike parable and that Matt Damon’s Elysium was actually an anti-Obamacare warning. Let’s get things going this year by suggesting that Godzilla, which looks like it will open to a big box office debut, is actually a message to humanity to chill out about global warming, everything’s going to be okay.
Whether or not this is Godzilla's message, I couldn't tell you. I haven't seen the movie yet. (I am hoping to go today, but my roomie Jes is back in the hospital, so that is up in the air.) But the article does present some interesting food for thought.

To read more, go here.

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