Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fox News On "Godzilla"

Above, a Godzilla bus stop shelter ad in Burbank. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Okay, one last (uh, maybe) review of Godzilla.

Granted, opinions are like (the clean version) navels, everyone's got one. There are critics from all corners with varying opinions. That is certainly the case with Godzilla.

It seems that the biggest gripe among critics is that the star of the movie, the Big G himself, gets very little screen time and he doesn't show up until about an hour into the movie.

I remember back in 1999, one of the gripes among kaiju fans about Gamera 3: The Revenge of Irys (or Gamera 3: Awakening of Irys) was that Gamera didn't have much screen time. After the battle in Shibuya, Gamera disappears for a long time. When Gamera did appear, the images were spectacular. Gamera 3 is still considered the high water mark in Japanese suitmation special effects fifteen years later.

Anyway, the latest review I decided to post is from Fox News. In it, they wrote:
Gareth Edward’s “Godzilla” remake is the best creature-feature since Steven Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park”, once again returning awe and wonder to the summer blockbuster season. 
After countless iterations of the Japanese icon, this King of the Monsters is a solid film replete with fantastic old-school set pieces, a terrific performance by Bryan Cranston (even if some of the dialogue is stale) and a tangible sense of dread as Godzilla battles prehistoric creatures in our own backyard.

Edwards, who directed the superb indie adventure-horror “Monsters”, pays as much homage to IshirĂ´ Honda’s original ‘Gojira’ as he does to classic Spielberg.
It looks like they liked it.

To read more, go here.

By the way, in the picture of the bus stop shelter with the Godzilla poster above, there is a second Godzilla poster showing. Did you spot it?

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